Monday, December 31, 2018

It Is January…Let’s Get Donating!

It Is January…Let’s Get Donating!
Julianne Shenk
JBS Nonprofit Consulting
1 January 2019

New Year, New You. We hear it every year, and it may stick…until February 1st.

Another frequently uttered phrase, “I need to donate more time, money, etc. to charity this year”…gain, it may stick, may not.

Nonprofit organizations need help All Year Long. Of course, of course I encourage you to make a donation of your time or money this January, but I also encourage you to give of those same things all throughout the year. If you are in the position that you can only make a one-time donation, do it. Please, do it. If you are able to split your donation or time up over the course of the year, do it. Recurring donations provide funding to your favorite organization throughout the year. For example, a monthly gift allows you to spread the financial impact of your giving across the entire year, lessening the serious financial impact a one-time donation may cause.
Contact the organization that you are considering donating to and ask about their policies for recurring giving/donations.

I encourage you to donate how you want, to the organization you want, how often you want, and how much you want. Recurring donations are just one option.

New year, new you, new me.

Pick an organization that means something to you (peruse my past blog for guidance to choose an organization).

Let’s make 2019 a charitable giving year!