Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Pulse Nightclub Shootings Victim and Families Fund

Pulse GoFundMe
Julianne Shenk
JBS Nonprofit Consulting
15 June 2016

In light of the terrible tragedy in Orlando on Sunday morning, I am asking you to look past the “non tax deductible-ness” of it all and consider donating to the Pulse GoFundMe effort if you are looking for a way to help.

Over 94,000 people have donated to this effort and raised over 4 million dollars. Every penny will go to the victims and families of this senseless act of violence. If you are inclined to make a donation head over to the page (link provided below) and read about the effort, the organizations involved, the legal disclaimers and links to other information.

*Please follow the link below. If you choose to Google the page, make sure you are supporting the right GoFundMe page. There are several other pages popping up that I cannot confirm to be authentic. *

If you would rather help in another way, please donate blood. No matter where you are in the country, donating blood is always a great help to those in need.

This is not a post to push an agenda, a political belief or leaning. This is a post asking for compassion and aid for the victims and families of this truly deplorable act of violence.  I always advocate for a healthy dialogue and welcome differing opinions, but this is not the time or place. This is about the deaths of 50 people. Doctors of the victims currently still receiving care admitted today that the death toll is likely to rise due to the severity of the injures.

If you choose not to help, that is your prerogative and I support your decision. This post is for those that are as shocked, saddend, and lost as I and my family are feeling. We all deal with these feelings differently. I support the way in which you choose to do that, even if it is quietly, or not at all.

Thank you.

Pulse Nightclub Shootings GoFundMe Campaign:

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