Create Your Personal Giving Pan
Juliane Shenk
JBS Nonprofit Consulting
8 March 2018
You decide that you want to give. Then, you start asking
questions…Why do I want to give? How do I want to give/What do I want to give? Who
do I want to give to?
Why do you want to give? Research has shown that
volunteering is good for your health. (I wrote a previous blog about it…go
check it out!) Volunteering is a form of giving. There is a great reason right
there! Giving may offer
fulfillment. Fulfillment knowing that
you are helping someone or some cause that is important to you. Happiness, fulfillment,
and help…three great motivations to give.
How do you want to give? Do you want to volunteer or give
money? If volunteering, do you volunteer for one event, weekly, monthly,
on-call? Do you want to make a one-time donation? If so, do you want to make a
small one-time donation or a large lump sum donation? Do you want to make a recurring payment? PBS
is a great example of a recurring monthly payment to a nonprofit organization. If
you are making a personal donation plan, you will want to decide how you intend
to donate, how frequently, etc.
What do I want to give? Time (volunteering), money, tangible
goods? Tangible goods are donations of clothing, housewares, etc. to Goodwill
or The Salvation Army, books to children’s charities, cars or boats to certain
organizations. Match up your desire to donate with your means of donation.
Who do you donate to? Along with the why…who do you want to
donate to? Do your research (I have blogs about this topic, too) and make an
informed decision that you will be satisfied and comfortable with.
Make a quick worksheet. Or, if you would like a sample
worksheet, contact me and I will provide you with a basic one.
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