Tuesday, July 31, 2018

LOVE Your Volunteers

LOVE Your Volunteers
August 1, 2018
Julianne Shenk
JBS Nonprofit Consulting

Volunteers, more than money, are the backbone, the life force of a nonprofit organization. Without volunteers, the heart of the organization is missing. Honor your volunteers. Put them on a pedestal and thank them every day for their service.

I have been a volunteer, more times than I can count. I have supervised volunteers. Full disclosure: it was more satisfying and more rewarding BEING a volunteer. As a supervisor, I went home at night knowing I rallied and guided our volunteers on where to go, when to show up, and what was needed.  As a volunteer, I went home at night knowing I helped someone. Big or small, I helped.

Appreciate your volunteers. Appreciate them.

“There are unrecognized heroes among our ordinary neighbors.”
-Harold W. Bernard

“Volunteering is an act of heroism-it’s an act of heroism on a grand scale. And it matters profoundly. It does more than help people beat the odds; it changes the odds.”
-George H. W. Bush

“What volunteers bring is the human touch, the individual, caring approach that no government program, however well-meaning and well-executed can deliver.”
-Edward James Olmos

And most profound…

“Here’s to our nation’s volunteers: All work and no pay.”
-Cat Lane

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Back-to-School Time! Where Can You Help?

Back-to-School Time! Where Can You Help?
10 July 2018
Julianne Shenk
JBS Nonprofit Consulting

I thought I would release August’s blog a little early…

It is back-to-school time! You will start to see the school supply lists posted at your local box and grocery stores. The kiddos get excited to pick out their new folders and pencils and lunchboxes and markers…

There are too many parents that can’t afford the yearly back-to-school trip. Luckily there are programs in place to those that need help. Whether it be a local church, YMCA, Boys and Girls Clubs, or even the local schools, you will be able to find a program that collect school supplies for those in need.

I live in Austin, Texas and each year the local city government employees hold a big “Build a Backpack & School Supplies Drive”. A comprehensive list of needs is published ahead of the event along with drop off information. Volunteers and city employees stuff backpacks after close of business and arrange for distribution.  Follow the link for more information:



Check out your local government website to see if they participate in a like program. Peruse the bulletin board of your local churches, grocery stores, community centers, etc. If you can’t locate an event, start one yourself! Get the neighborhood kids involved!  If you need help, check back in a few days for a step-by-step guide to starting your own backpack drive!


*A great way to get started is to pick up a few sets of pens or markers, or notebooks at the dollar store or local big box store when you are running your regular errands or school shopping for your kids. Get your kids involved by picking out an item for a child in need.

[1] The Official Website of the City of Austin. www.austintexas.gov

Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Summer Typically Brings Donation Decline to Charities in Need

Summer Typically Brings Donation Decline to Charities in Need
Julianne Shenk
JBS Nonprofit Consulting
3 July 2018

Summer can be a slow season for charities. Summer is the time for vacations, and even if you don’t travel away for vacation, charitable giving is probably low on your priorities. With donors “away”, nonprofits suffer. Donors aren’t giving, volunteers aren’t available, but clients are still in need.

Among the hardest hit organizations are those that are on call to provide food for families in need. During the school year, many families are assisted by the Free Lunch Program in their state. Many children receive 1-3 of their meals five days a week. In summer, families that rely on that help are searching for organizations to help ad with summer giving at a low, help and relief are hard to come by. Food pantries, churches and the like are stretched and in need of help. The Community Food Bank of Eastern Oklahoma averages a 50% decline in donation during the summer.[1]

Another hard-hit organization is your local blood bank (blood banks on national levels suffer, too). Donations typically taper off and in some places, cease during the summer months. Every two seconds, someone in the United States needs blood. [2] In summer months, demand for blood can actually increase due to the increase in outdoor activities that can result in the need for blood and transfusions. Consider a pre-vacation blood donation at your local donation center. Head to https://www.redcrossblood.org/ and type in your zip code for directions to local blood bank or collection center.

Please consider incorporating some charitable giving into your summer vacation. My June blog has some great ideas for getting your children involved in charitable giving. Research your community and see where there is need. Food banks, blood banks, libraries, churches are always in need.

Enjoy your summer!

[1] http://www.baneighbors.org/summer-brings/
[2] http://www.americasblood.org/about-blood/blood-is-always-needed.aspx