Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Summer Typically Brings Donation Decline to Charities in Need

Summer Typically Brings Donation Decline to Charities in Need
Julianne Shenk
JBS Nonprofit Consulting
3 July 2018

Summer can be a slow season for charities. Summer is the time for vacations, and even if you don’t travel away for vacation, charitable giving is probably low on your priorities. With donors “away”, nonprofits suffer. Donors aren’t giving, volunteers aren’t available, but clients are still in need.

Among the hardest hit organizations are those that are on call to provide food for families in need. During the school year, many families are assisted by the Free Lunch Program in their state. Many children receive 1-3 of their meals five days a week. In summer, families that rely on that help are searching for organizations to help ad with summer giving at a low, help and relief are hard to come by. Food pantries, churches and the like are stretched and in need of help. The Community Food Bank of Eastern Oklahoma averages a 50% decline in donation during the summer.[1]

Another hard-hit organization is your local blood bank (blood banks on national levels suffer, too). Donations typically taper off and in some places, cease during the summer months. Every two seconds, someone in the United States needs blood. [2] In summer months, demand for blood can actually increase due to the increase in outdoor activities that can result in the need for blood and transfusions. Consider a pre-vacation blood donation at your local donation center. Head to https://www.redcrossblood.org/ and type in your zip code for directions to local blood bank or collection center.

Please consider incorporating some charitable giving into your summer vacation. My June blog has some great ideas for getting your children involved in charitable giving. Research your community and see where there is need. Food banks, blood banks, libraries, churches are always in need.

Enjoy your summer!

[1] http://www.baneighbors.org/summer-brings/
[2] http://www.americasblood.org/about-blood/blood-is-always-needed.aspx

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