Friday, June 1, 2018

Getting Your Kids Involved with Nonprofits During the Summer

Getting Your Kids Involved with Nonprofits During the Summer
Julianne Shenk
JBS Nonprofit Consulting
1 June 2018

“I’m bored.”
“There is nothing to do.”

Have kids? If so, I guarantee you have heard the above…and more. Let’s get your kids out of the house and involved this summer!

Below are just a few suggestions as to how to get your children involved with charitable causes this summer. And, you never know, this may lead to a lifetime of service!

1.     Park Cleanup: Many communities have local parks and have routine cleanup activities. Check with your local parks department for organized cleanup activities or head over with your kids and do a quick clean up. Always have adult supervision and alert children on what items to not pick up.
2.     Spring/Summer Clean Out: Have children go through their toys, clothes, books, etc. and designate those that can be donated. Donate to specific agencies or drop at organizations that clean up, refurbish and sale to raise money for the community. Many local churches have such programs. Have your child physically drop off/handover the items. The sense of helping and giving back is a wondrous one!
3.     Collecting Packaged Food: Most local churches and/or community centers either donate directly or have a line to other groups that coordinate efforts for local shelters and other agencies that provide aid to families and individuals in need. Your children can tag-a-long to the store with you and pick up nonperishable items such as canned food, crackers, diapers, toiletries, etc. They can then take them to the colleting agencies for distribution to those on need.  Extra points if you give them a budget/set dollar amount that they can spend. This teaches them budgeting AND giving…WIN WIN!
4.     Community Gardens: Check with local community parks to see if they have any community gardens that need tending to. Tasks that may be needed to be performed are weeding, planting, watering, etc. Some local gardens will let the volunteers enjoy some of the fruits, vegetables and flowers that they tend to. What a great way to have your child give back while seeing first-hand the “fruits” of their labor!
5.     Start a Community Garden: Contact your local community office to see if there are any available plots of land that need beautified. Seeing the whole process from start to finish as well as the hands-on attention to the garden will be so rewarding. Involve your child in any and all steps (acquiring the land, permits, asking for donations of cash or plants, planting, tending, donating the plants/fruits/vegetables/flowers, winterizing).
6.     Organize a Neighborhood Cleanup: Get the whole neighborhood involved. Let the kids create the “plan of attack”. Have the neighborhood children signup and make sure you have lots of cool drinks and snacks to keep them hydrated (and motivated!).  Perhaps give a prize to the biggest bag of trash collected. Kids love a challenge and a game!
7.     Help and Elderly Neighbor: Whether it is cutting their grass, sweeping their porch, running errands, or stopping by to visit, helping an elderly neighbor is good for everyone. Your child will make their day brighter!

There are many more options. Check with your local zoo, aquarium, YMCA, etc. to see what volunteer opportunities they have for children.  I wholeheartedly believe that volunteering is something everyone should do. Most people do not begin their foray into volunteering until adulthood. I am 100% behind showing your children the importance of volunteering and getting them involved as early as you think they are ready.

Get those kids out there this summer! Drop me an email or message if you have a great volunteer idea for kids, or let me know what sorts of ways your kids volunteer!

Have a great summer!

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