Friday, August 16, 2019

Where Do I Donate?

Where Do I Donate?
August 17, 2019
Julianne Shenk
JBS Nonprofit Consulting

A few folks have asked, “where do you donate?” Some folks want to keep that private, but I have no issue with sharing some of the organizations that I donate to; some regularly, yearly, and some one time donations.

Every year I participate in Amplify Austin’s ‘Live Here Give Here’ campaign, and choose the Texas Stars Foundation to be the receiver of the funds.[1] The Texas Stars Foundation is dedicated to enhancing the community through various forms of support including financial contributions, gifts in kind, and volunteerism.[2] I also support the Pittsburgh Penguins Foundation, The Mario Lemieux Foundation, and The Dallas Stars Foundation. Head over to your favorite sports team’s website and see if they have a foundation or a dedicated organization or cause that they support.

I also frequently donate to an ALS charity in honor of my dear friend Charlene who succumbed to the disease at a young age. Donating to an organization in honor of a family member or dear friend is a wonderful way to honor them. Decide which organization you would like to support and head to their website. Peruse the page, look for testimonials, do a little “googling” to see if there are any stories or articles about the organization. With a little bit of research, you will find an organization that fits you. Be careful, many reputable organizations have had their names tweaked to lead you to a less than reputable website. Take the time and research, if you are having a tough time, shoot me a message and I will try and help you out.

I am a sucker for helping out friends’ initiatives…walks for cancer, donations for clean drinking water, school supplies for low income families…if it is important to my close friends, and they ask, I almost always (ok, I always do) say yes.

Finally, there is an organization that I give to yearly, as well as have my Amazon account hooked up to. Sweet Grace Ministries[3] is an organization that my family holds near and dear to our heart. This special organization helped my niece when she was going through the toughest moment of her life. They helped her through then and continue to help us all almost 3 years later. My yearly donation and Amazon Smile donations go to Sweet Grace Ministries, and I am humbled by what they do. (Amazon Smile[4] lets you designate a charity to make a donation to when you make a purchase. Follow the link in the footnote for more information.
There are a host of other organizations that I have donated both time and money to. Without sounding “braggy”, there are really too many to individually name. I hope I have given you some ideas. If there are any organizations that you donate regularly to, head on over to my Facebook page and put them in the comments under this post, to share with others. You may point them in a good direction if they are looking for organizations to support. *Your posts will be vetted to insure that the organization is a legal 501(c)(3) IRS recognized charity.*

[1] For donation information, please contact me and I will get you the updated donation/contact info.

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