Special Days in March
March 1, 2020
Julianne Shenk
JBS Nonprofit Consulting
I usually do a pretty straight
forward, “Welcome to Spring, here is how you can contribute” blog. This month I
am using the blog to answer a question that came through on my website: What “cause”
is March known for?”
Well, that is a long answer. There are dozens below to choose from. Pick
your favorite cause and find an organization that you can help. If you need help,
shoot me a note. March 20th is the first day of Spring
this year. Make March your month to “spring” into action and recognize and help
out an organization that is important to you.
March 9th is Read
Aloud Day. Contact your local library or senior citizens’ center and volunteer
to read.
March 20th is Oral
Health Day. Gather toothpaste, toothbrushes, mouthwash, and floss and donate it
to your local homeless, domestic violence, or Veteran’s center.
March 30th is Take a
Walk in The Park Day. Take a walk and cleanup as you stroll.
There are countless ways to help,
and using the special events and cause recognition for March is a great place
to get ideas!
And as always, I would love to
hear your ideas or what you did to help!
Month long Recognition
Women's History Month
Deaf History Month
Brain injury Awareness Month
National Craft Month
Optimism Month
Honor Society Awareness Month
National Foreign Language Month
Irish American Heritage Month
National Ethics Month
Expanding Girls' Horizons in Science and Engineering
Bleeding Disorders Awareness Month
Multiple Sclerosis Education and Awareness Month
Music in Our Schools Month
National Athletic Trainers Month
National Cheerleader Safety Month
National Kidney Month
National Nutrition Month
National Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month
Nutrition Month
Red Cross Month
Save Your Vision Month and Workplace Eye Wellness Month
Social Work Month
Trisomy Awareness Month
Problem Gambling Awareness Month
Multiple Myeloma Awareness Month
National Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month
National Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month
National Endometriosis Awareness Month
National Kidney Month
Trisomy Awareness Month
Week-Long Observances
National Sleep Awareness Week (week 1)
Read an E-Book Week (week 2)
National Pulmonary Rehabilitation Week (week 2)
Patient Safety Awareness Week (week 2)
National Bubble Week (week 2)
Celebrate Your Name Week (week 2)
Act Happy Week (week 3)
International Brain Awareness Week (week 3)
National Poison Prevention Week (week 3)
World Folklore Tales and Fables Week (week 4)
National Poison Prevention Week (week 4)
Tsunami Preparedness Week (week 4)
Special Days and Holidays (by week)
Week One
March 1: National Peanut Butter Lovers Day
March 2: Dr. Seuss's Birthday
March 2: Read Across America Day
March 3: Birth Defects Day
March 4: Hug a “GI” Soldier Day
March 4: National Grammar Day
March 5: World Book Day
March 7: Fun Facts About Names Day
Week Two
March 9: Read Aloud Day
March 10: National Women and Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day
March 11: Johnny Appleseed Day
March 12: Genealogy Day
March 12: Plant a Flower Day
March 13: Our K-9 Veterans Day
March 14: National Pi π
(The first 3 numbers match the date…Fun Fact!)
March 14: Learn About Butterflies Day
Week Three
March 15: Incredible Kid Day
March 16: FOI Freedom of Information Day
March 17: St. Patrick's Day
March 18: Supreme Sacrifice Day
March 20: International Earth Day
March 20: First Day of Spring
March 20: World Oral Health Day
March 21: National Teenager Day
Week Four
March 22: American Diabetes Alert Day
March 23: World Meteorology Day
March 24: American Diabetes Alert Day
March 24: World Tuberculosis Day
March 25: Tolkien Reading Day
March 26: Make Up Your Own Holiday Day
March 30: I Am in Control Day
March 30: National Doctors’ Day
March 30: Take a Walk in the Park Day