Friday, March 20, 2020

How Can We Help? COVID-19

How Can We Help? COVID-19
Julianne Shenk
JBS Nonprofit Consulting
March 21, 2020

How can we help? What do you need? More importantly, how are you? How are you doing? Take a minute. Take a deep breath. Breathe.

This is a crazy time; few have seen this kind of event in their lifetimes. Sure, we have read about it and watched it in movies and on television, but in no one’s wildest dreams did we ever see this coming.

I have received a few messages asking for help and how to help. Those asking FOR help were directed to an appropriate agency in their area. Those asking TO help, where do I start?

The biggest need right now is medical supplies. Masks, tubes, gloves, face shields, ventilators, etc. If you have any of those things, please contact the local CDC (Center for Disease Control) in your area for guidance. Arrangements will be made for a pick-up or drop-off if your items are deemed suitable for use.  We need for our medical personnel (Doctors, Nurses, EMTs, Police, Fireman, etc.) to be protected. We need them to be uncompromised to help those fighting off this virus. They need proper equipment, they need rest and sustenance, and they need patience and understanding. They are our front line soldiers.

There is also a group of people that need our help. Our local restaurant owners and their staff. Many establishments are remaining open to provide take-out and in some cases delivery. Tip them. Thank them. Consider purchasing a gift certificate for a fellow homebound family. Consider purchasing a gift card for your family to use at a later date.

Send a word of encouragement to your child’s teacher. Just because they are home also self-distancing, does not mean they are not concerned about their students. Those students that they have been nurturing and guiding to the end of the year and graduation to the next grade. The high school teachers that have been readying your child for graduation and off to their next adventure. The college professor that has been helping to mold the young adult that will graduate and take on their world in their first post collegiate job. The Technical College instructor teaching your child important lessons and intricate workings of their chosen path. They are thinking about your kids. Send them a note. Have your child send them a note.

There are so many people that do not have the opportunity to stay home. Gas station attendants, television station staff, hospital staff, law enforcement officers, Firemen and women, EMTs. airport personnel, Pharmacists, pharmacy staff, grocery store staff, delivery drivers, mail carriers, restaurant staff, post office staff….do you get the picture?

Drive by and wave at the residents of the local nursing home. You can call ahead and ask when a good time is. Facilities all over the US are arranging to have their residents in the windows for folks to drive by and honk and wave. It is so lovely seeing the stories on the news of this happening….especially the smiles on their faces when little children give them a wave and blow a kiss.

I know I have only touched on a few concerns and am not leaving any group of people out intentionally. These are just a few examples. Feel free to add any groups you would like to highlight and honor in the comments.

Watching your favorite local and National news will keep you informed. Please do not support or perpetuate the rumor mill. There are answers out there. If it sounds outrageous, it usually is. Research it. This is a dangerous time and taking the time to do a little research is warranted and just plain smart.

Be smart.
Be kind.

…and wash your hands.

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